Showing posts with label Acknowledgements 道謝. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Acknowledgements 道謝. Show all posts
I would like to thanks for whoever supply the content or our links to the related blogs and websites, the acknowledgements without the priority in orders while I am writing articles, if I miss any links to your site or you would like to withdraw the content here, please kindly notify me by email at the page od "About Us".

Acknowledgements 道謝

Special Thanks to the Tool I use
The tools I often use and support me for writing at low cost:
Google : Gmail, Search, Drive, Map, Blogger so much free good stuffs
LibreOffice 自由的辦公軟體
OpenCart (廣東話繁體語言包 OpenCart V 2.0)
廣東話輸入法 I cannot type Chinese without his existing on Internet

Special Thanks to those devote her cooking techniques and recipes online
[韋太烹飪教室] - she has so much passion and energy start writing blog in Sina, and good to know recently she also has Blogger and I have the best experience in Google Blogger than other tools.
Christine's Recipes 簡易食譜 - When you are saying make it "Simple" that's is the most difficult to most people, since we think too much and talk too much, then we need to make it brief. Christine can do it.

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