Showing posts with label Hong Kong snacks WIKI. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hong Kong snacks WIKI. Show all posts
แป้งข้าวเหนียว糯米粉 และ แป้งข้าวเจ้า粘米粉
Glutinous Rice Flour แป้งข้าวเหนียว糯米粉

Well, when we are talking Glutinous Rice Flour, then we also talking Rice Flour, they are the best match when you are making Asian dessert.
We are kneading the dough

Mr. Glutinous Rice Flour is a sticky man while Ms. Ms. Rice Flour is so attractive with different aroma depends on which type of rice. Have you ever smell the fresh grind rice to make your delicious dessert?

When you stir fry with Glutinous Rice Flour, it is a bit sticky like the paste. Actually my parents taught me to use rice with water and stir fry it to make my own paste. Nowadays all the kids just say where to buy but not how to make. Those paste is safe and good for kids.
top- Glutinous RF, bottom- Tapioca Starch

When I stir fry with Tapioca Starch, it is absolutely have the texture of my Gummies and you can just make your own gummi whatever the mold you have at home, and put a lot of sugar.

When I stir fry with Rice Flour, you can smell it "The rice is cooked". The texture just like you steam the Rice Paste 腸粉.
Or it is just where you buy the "Rice Paste" in your local stationary store.
Rice Paste Glue

After you try them individually, then it is totally how you mix them and let they dance for you. The dessert of your will be ready.




A:糕粉是一種加工粉(又名潮州粉),主要由糯米粉炒熟後磨成的細粉。粉粒鬆散,一般呈潔白色,吸水力大,遇水即黏連。在製品中呈現軟滑帶黏狀,多應用於廣東式點心、月餅和水糕皮等。糕粉可分現貨和自製兩種,前者質地比較粗糙,可是應用在料製作時,效果更佳和更適合,後者粉質比較幼細而只適合作粉背之用。 糕粉自製方法:糯米粉一包(泰國的三象牌品質比較好),墊上白雞皮紙上蒸籠乾蒸10分鐘,再用白鑊慢火炒10分鐘,即成。


Wheat Starch approximately 70% starch, 15% protein, and 15% other things like moisture and lipids. For now, lets focus on the protein, 90% of which is what we refer to as gluten. "Gluten" is technically equal amounts of two smaller proteins, glutenin and gliadin. These proteins, namely the gliadin, are the culprits and what we are trying avoid on a gluten free diet. So, the starch of the grain is "technically" not problematic once separated from the gluten proteins.
source from:

In Hong Kong Dim Sum, you must know the famous shrimp dumpling called "Har gow" which is using the wheat starch for making the dumpling skin.

Actually, many western people afraid of the Gluten but why it doesn't appear in Asian who love to eat chewy steam buns and even use the gluten making major food for vegetarian. The key is we eat garlic and ginger mostly in our Chinese cooking which can help digest and soothe the gas inside the stomach.


所謂澄粉又叫小麥澱粉或蝦餃粉,是用麵粉加工洗去麵筋的澱粉,然後將洗過麵筋的水粉再經過沈澱,濾乾水分,再把沈澱的粉曬乾後研細的粉料。(其特徵 : 色潔白、麵細滑,做出的麵點半透明而脆、爽,蒸制品入口爽滑,炸制品脆)。

Hong Kong chefs always use Corn Starch, Potato Starch or Sweet Potato Starch for thickening in Chinese cooking. We normally call it (生粉) means raw flour/starch.
Corn Starch
Sweet Potato is not the potato that you add the sugar with.
Sweet Potato
Sweet Potato Starch
The sweet potato or kumara (Ipomoea batatas) is a dicotyledonous plant that belongs to the family Convolvulaceae.
source from Wikipedia.

Potato Starch
Starch from Corn, Potato or Sweet Potato depends on different brand and manufacturing process, they will have different taste and stickiness, therefore you must actually try it and alter the quantity that's fit your recipe the best.






Q: 玉米粉可以生吃嗎?
A: 玉米可以生吃嗎? 可以;玉米粉照道理可以生吃。

Q: 太白粉可以生吃嗎?
A: 太白粉是由馬鈴薯(香港叫薯仔)制成,你會生吃嗎,我唔會囉。

Q: 那麼熟玉米粉、熟太白粉、熟糯米粉在哪裡買?
A: 只要將玉米粉放入鍋內以小火翻炒,炒至有香味就是熟玉米粉;自製熟太白粉,很簡單~~ 將太白粉放進烤箱低溫烘烤就是熟太白粉了,或是在炒菜鍋裡小火炒熟,至於時間就看量斟酌了。 記得一定要用低溫要不然太白粉很會就會焦黃,另外容器也不可有水或油,要不然就會變成麵糊了。熟糯米粉的做法:用微波爐大火high heat 叮1分鐘,或用鑊不落油小火炒熟,即成。

生粉 source from:

Flour for Thickening only?
Most people learn that rice flour and all purpose flour both work well as thickening agents for soups, sauces and gravies. Both are suitable for making roux and slurry-thickened sauces and can be used interchangeably in recipes calling for either.

We are here to tell you that our Asian diet is mainly using "Rice" and we can make Chinese Cake called: Glutinous Rice Pudding with Red Beans which with the suggestion from our department of health as "Diabetes-Friendly Recipes". If you are not sure what kind of Chinese herbs was that, then actually you can try the Chinese Diets, we also use the good common herbs such as "dried tangerine peel" (should be 5 years naturally dried) to get a healthy body.

Chinese or most Asian are thin because rice is the major diet in old days, not until we start learning to make cake, bread and drinking milk when western food met Asian food.

Or we make Rice Cake called: Making HK White Sugar Sponge Cake

Is rice always Gluten-Free?

In most cases, yes: rice is gluten-free. Plain rice — regardless of whether it's whole-grain brown rice, polished white rice, long-grained basmati rice or even exotic black rice — is always considered gluten-free, assuming it's been protected from gluten cross-contamination in processing and cooking. (I share more about the safest brands of rice below.)

But you need to beware of flavored rice mixes, since these can contain gluten ingredients, and often do.

Surprisingly, the type of rice called glutinous rice, also known as sticky rice or sweet rice, is gluten-free. Despite the name, it doesn't contain the form of gluten that's dangerous to those of us with celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity; the term "glutinous" simply refers to the fact that glutinous rice gets glue-like, or sticky, when cooked.

source from:
By Jane Anderson - Reviewed by a board-certified physician.

Rice Flour is different with Rice Starch

Mostly we use for the thickening in Hong Kong called Corn Starch.

Rice flour (also rice powder) is a form of flour made from finely milled rice. It is distinct from rice starch, which is usually produced by steeping rice in lye.

Rice flour is a particularly good substitute for wheat flour, which causes irritation in the digestive systems of those who are gluten-intolerant.

Rice flour is also used as a thickening agent in recipes that are refrigerated or frozen since it inhibits liquid separation.

So, where can you buy Rice Flour in your country, I find that in US is pretty dominant for only 5 brands. In Asia, you have lots of choices, most rice seller at least provide you 5~10 types even in jasmine rice only, exclude the Glutinous Rice.
However, I just tell you that you can make your own Rice Flour at home, if you subscribe my newsletter. haha.

When I am talking about choosing rice, I am a very choosy person and need to smell it, look at it shiny without white spot. Thus I almost pay the most expensive one from my selection. There are new rice and old rice, the new one is better when you make the congee.

The most common one we use for HK snacks are:
Rice Flour 粘米粉 and Glutinous Rice Flour 糯米粉 , you will need to mix accordingly and I will explain them their characteristic in later chapters.

The Red color is Rice Flour and Green color is Glutinous Rice Flour for this brand, it is famous, but not the best and I found there are some fake selling in China too.
Thailand has very good reputation making both of them in many different brands, you should try yourself until which one satisfy you most.

Rice Flour 粘米粉 แป้งข้าวเจ้า
Glutinous Rice Flour 糯米粉 แป้งข้าวเหนียว

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