Corn Starch and Sweet Potato Starch 香港生粉/粟米粉/蕃薯粉

Hong Kong chefs always use Corn Starch, Potato Starch or Sweet Potato Starch for thickening in Chinese cooking. We normally call it (生粉) means raw flour/starch.
Corn Starch
Sweet Potato is not the potato that you add the sugar with.
Sweet Potato
Sweet Potato Starch
The sweet potato or kumara (Ipomoea batatas) is a dicotyledonous plant that belongs to the family Convolvulaceae.
source from Wikipedia.

Potato Starch
Starch from Corn, Potato or Sweet Potato depends on different brand and manufacturing process, they will have different taste and stickiness, therefore you must actually try it and alter the quantity that's fit your recipe the best.






Q: 玉米粉可以生吃嗎?
A: 玉米可以生吃嗎? 可以;玉米粉照道理可以生吃。

Q: 太白粉可以生吃嗎?
A: 太白粉是由馬鈴薯(香港叫薯仔)制成,你會生吃嗎,我唔會囉。

Q: 那麼熟玉米粉、熟太白粉、熟糯米粉在哪裡買?
A: 只要將玉米粉放入鍋內以小火翻炒,炒至有香味就是熟玉米粉;自製熟太白粉,很簡單~~ 將太白粉放進烤箱低溫烘烤就是熟太白粉了,或是在炒菜鍋裡小火炒熟,至於時間就看量斟酌了。 記得一定要用低溫要不然太白粉很會就會焦黃,另外容器也不可有水或油,要不然就會變成麵糊了。熟糯米粉的做法:用微波爐大火high heat 叮1分鐘,或用鑊不落油小火炒熟,即成。

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