Discover the secret of making HK Pineapple Bun

in Cantonese Chinese

Original source:

Step 1: 
The bun (dough)  material (ready for 30 buns)
Bread Flour - 1000g
White sugar - 230g
Egg - 150g
Butter - 80g
Milk Powder - 30g
Salt - 10g
Yeast - 18g

Water - 420g

Step 2:
*Error in the timeline 3:02, and corrected as following:
The Pineapple Skin ingredient
Cake Flour - 1000g
Butter - 300g
White sugar - 250g
Lard - 200g
Egg - 85g
Milk - 85g
Ammonia Bicarbonate - 8g
Baking Soda - 8g


【香港小食】店資料 (更新:2016年6月)



《葵涌, 荃灣》
《大圍, 沙田,大埔,上水》




利強記 - 北角雞蛋仔








《葵涌, 荃灣》

《大圍, 沙田,大埔,上水》


แป้งข้าวเหนียว糯米粉 และ แป้งข้าวเจ้า粘米粉
Glutinous Rice Flour แป้งข้าวเหนียว糯米粉

Well, when we are talking Glutinous Rice Flour, then we also talking Rice Flour, they are the best match when you are making Asian dessert.
We are kneading the dough

Mr. Glutinous Rice Flour is a sticky man while Ms. Ms. Rice Flour is so attractive with different aroma depends on which type of rice. Have you ever smell the fresh grind rice to make your delicious dessert?

When you stir fry with Glutinous Rice Flour, it is a bit sticky like the paste. Actually my parents taught me to use rice with water and stir fry it to make my own paste. Nowadays all the kids just say where to buy but not how to make. Those paste is safe and good for kids.
top- Glutinous RF, bottom- Tapioca Starch

When I stir fry with Tapioca Starch, it is absolutely have the texture of my Gummies and you can just make your own gummi whatever the mold you have at home, and put a lot of sugar.

When I stir fry with Rice Flour, you can smell it "The rice is cooked". The texture just like you steam the Rice Paste 腸粉.
Or it is just where you buy the "Rice Paste" in your local stationary store.
Rice Paste Glue

After you try them individually, then it is totally how you mix them and let they dance for you. The dessert of your will be ready.




A:糕粉是一種加工粉(又名潮州粉),主要由糯米粉炒熟後磨成的細粉。粉粒鬆散,一般呈潔白色,吸水力大,遇水即黏連。在製品中呈現軟滑帶黏狀,多應用於廣東式點心、月餅和水糕皮等。糕粉可分現貨和自製兩種,前者質地比較粗糙,可是應用在料製作時,效果更佳和更適合,後者粉質比較幼細而只適合作粉背之用。 糕粉自製方法:糯米粉一包(泰國的三象牌品質比較好),墊上白雞皮紙上蒸籠乾蒸10分鐘,再用白鑊慢火炒10分鐘,即成。


Some shop make a bigger one to sell HK$10 or some put red bean inside thus the price can sell at HK$13.5, however, ending story of a shop not to continue due to the greedy property owner raise up the rent each year. Here is the story about Pineapple Bun ...
This shop sell Pineapple Bun in Tsim Sha Tsui since 1970's , the price was HK$0.2 and now is selling HK$3.5. The cost of material is 1/3, labour is 1/3 and the rent is 1/3.

Monthly rent of the shop in 2014 was HK$70,000~80,000 (US$10,000). In 1979, the rent was HK$2,600 and now 30 times higher in 2014 at 80,000. While the price of the Pineapple bun was $0.2 to HK$3.5 which rise up 17 times. It means the price of the bun cannot follow the rise of the rent. Until the owner does not give opportunity for small medium shop to survive.

The second shop was in Sai Wan Ho which also has the pressure of rising the price but the shop owner also won the property which he can sell only HK$2.

The third one is a shop in Causeway Bay whose owner sold the property at the price HK$140,000,000 (~US$18,000,000), and only the jewellery shop can afford the rent then. The report said if we sell the pinapple bun at HK$3.5 that sell 1,000 pcs a day, the shop owner still need to sell over a century.

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